Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Naviserver-s6 / openacs-6 with arm architecture

Posted by Vlad V on
Hi Malte,

As I think, "the best" repo now is .

FYI - I've built a new docker with naviserver version 4.99.23 + latest s6 + latest ubuntu-20.04. Pay attention - it is a developer's version and it has to be checked before use. The docker image is oupfiz5/openacs-s6:oacs-5-10-1

PS I'm maintainer for this project :).

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Hi Vlad,

Okay, thanks a lot for the information. Now, could you enable multi arch support using buildx for the arm64 environment?

Alternatively I can just try this out on our pipelines using your source Dockerfiles (which means probably to run this for Ubuntu-s6, naviserver-s6 and openacs-s6), and push this to Sussdorff/naviserver and if it works migrate / merge with your repro.

Happy to help and get this working on my Rosetta free M1 Docker 😊.

Best wishes

Posted by Vlad V on

I'm planning to improve projects pipelines. As a consequence, your proposal is more preferable:

Alternatively I can just try this out on our pipelines using your source Dockerfiles (which means probably to run this for Ubuntu-s6, naviserver-s6 and openacs-s6)

and push this to Sussdorff/naviserver and if it works migrate / merge with your repro.

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
will do. Not within the next week, but definitely this month.